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Is your motorcycle outfit in need of an upgrade but you’re not looking for the latest products? Check out the Sale section on our website! Here you can find products with high discounts. Most of the time the products you’ll find in this section are from the previous collection that can’t be ordered at the manufacturers anymore or are the last items in stock. Make your move before your size runs out! Are you curious what our new collection has to offer? Check it out in all our categories clothing, helmets, gloves, boots and accessories.
The Sale category contains of a variety of motorcycle gear. Gear from previous collections by Alpinestars, Shark and Dainese will be marked down to an attractive price. The products range from gloves to helmets and from luggage to visors. Browse through this section and you might find a steal to complete your outfit!
We’ve got the benefits of having a large warehouse were we have the products of all the big manufacturers. Besides our online store, you’ll find the sale products also in our showroom. Want to try something before you buy? Come by and our gear geeks will help you make the right decision!
Did you decide which product in our ‘sale category’ is going to complement your outfit? Check out easily after you filled up your cart! Use the payment method you feel most comfortable with and we’ll do the rest! For most orders, we offer free shipping. Still got some questions? Feel free to contact us by email at